We accept new patients. either referred by dentist or self-referring patients

Dental Services

Routine Dental Maintenance

Routine Dental Maintenance visits are the cornerstone of dental care. They should be performed at least every six months. Frequent and thorough dental exams will detect and treat dental issues before they become a problem. At Palcare Dental Practice, you will be provided with a comprehensive and state-of-the-art dental exam. Palcare surgeries are equipped with the latest in dental diagnostic equipment including Digital X-rays, computerized professional maintenance program, and computer monitors to allow the patient to visualize their own mouths. During Routine Maintenance visits, we will check your mouth for cavities, chipped or broken teeth, missing teeth, gum disease, oral cancer, TMJ, loose crowns, and loose fillings. When you leave the surgery, you will feel confident that your teeth are clean and that your mouth is healthy.

£45.00 Exam+ Two x-rays

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 The practice manager or reception. They will do their best to respond to any questions as soon as possible.